PTA Meetings 2019-2020
September 9, 2019- Open House and Membership Meeting
New 2019/2020 dates TBA
November 12, 2018 - PTA Membership Meeting
December 10, 2018 - PTA Membership Mtg & Choral Concert
March 4, 2019 - PTA Membership Meeting & Art Night
May 13, 2019 - PTA Membership Meeting & Choral Concert
Meet Our Board
Holly Haga
Catherine Conger
Co-Vice President
Meet Our All Star PTA
PTA Meetings 2024-2025
September 9, 2024 - PTA Open House & Meeting -
Dec. 16, 2024 - General PTA Meeting and Chorus Concert - 6:00PM
February 27, 2024 - General PTA Meeting and Talent Show - 6:00PM
April 24, 2024 - General PTA Meeting and Chorus Concert - 6:00PM
Making every child's potential a reality.
PTA is:
a powerful voice for all children;
a relevant resource for families and communities; and
a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship;
To raise the standards of home life;
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth;
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth;
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.
These core values guide our decisions and actions:
COLLABORATION: We work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to accomplish our agreed-upon goals.
COMMITMENT: We are dedicated to promoting children's health, well-being, and educational success through strong parent, family, and community involvement.
ACCOUNTABILITY: We acknowledge our obligations. We deliver on our promises.
RESPECT: We value our colleagues and ourselves. We expect the same high quality of effort and thought from ourselves as we do from others.
INCLUSIVITY: We invite the stranger and welcome the newcomer. We value and seek input from as wide a spectrum of viewpoints and experiences as possible.
INTEGRITY: We act consistently with our beliefs. When we err, we acknowledge the mistake and seek to make amends.
Meet Our Board
Hayley Dawson
Whitney Mammarella
Caitlin Steelman
Rita Bilbro
Membership | Secretary
Ivy Yoder
Julie Chappell
Vice President | Fundraising
Kelli Stauff
Erin Dumit