Current Volunteer Opportunities

Art Night Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist our Art Night Chairperson with set-up of the Art Night show that will take place at the March PTA Meeting. Artwork that the students made will be sold to raise funds for our Art Department. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Art Night Committee and all communications for this fundraiser will come to you from the Art Night Chair.
Art Room Helpers: Volunteers are needed to assist with younger students working on special projects and assist with mounting artwork to be displayed. Volunteer would work closely with the Art Teacher and you can schedule to help during your child’s class.
Backpack Blessings Volunteers: We need volunteers to help handout these bags every Friday, preferably at the start of school so a child receiving a early dismissal will receive the bag of food for the weekend. The organization also is in need for food donations. They prefer nonperishable food and items that are easy for the child to make themselves.
Book Fair Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Book Fair Chairperson with all aspects of the Book Fair that will take place in November. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Book Fair Committee and all communications for this fundraiser will come to you from the Book Fair Chair.
Boosterthon Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Boosterthon Chair with sorting and handing out t-shirts and for Pep Rally activities as well as the Fun Run Day activities in September/October.
Copy Room Helper: Volunteers are needed to make classroom copies. The majority of the copies are for grades K5, 1 and 2, but anyone can help! We have a brand new, easy to use RISO copy machine and the teachers will supply the originals and copy paper. This is a very flexible opportunity and you can set your own schedule to assist once a week or once every two weeks. You will be contacted by the Copy Room Chair.
Donuts for Grown Ups: Volunteers are needed to assist with picking up donuts, juice/water and coffee prior to the event, either the day before or the morning of. They are also needed to set up and help serve the donuts and coffee. There are 6 of these during the year, one for each grade level. Volunteers will need to be at school by 6:45am to help set up. The event is over by 8:00 so this is a perfect opportunity to volunteer before work.
General Fundraiser Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist with promoting fundraisers, creating and implementing contests for the students as necessary, and collecting payments that come in. Your Volunteer time is very flexible. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Fundraiser Committee and all communications for this fundraiser will come to you from the Fundraiser Chairperson.
Holiday Shop Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist with ordering and setting up the merchandise for our holiday shop in early December. Volunteers are asked to work shifts when the shop is open to help students budget their money, select gifts, run the register or wrap presents for the children. May also need to assist with counting money at the end of each day.
Home Room Parent Volunteer: We consider this position as one of the most important ones! HR Parent Volunteers will work in their child’s classroom throughout the year. The Home Room parent needs to coordinate Lunch Relief (only for grades K5 and 1st), all classroom parties and special events, assist with getting classroom volunteers for Field Trips as needed, assist the Teachers with paperwork and craft projects, and be the classroom liaison for certain PTA related events. All Home Room Parent Volunteers are required to attend a training session at the beginning of the school year. Volunteers will be notified by the Homeroom Parent Coordinator of this training. All communications for this position will come to you from the Home Room Parent Coordinator Chairperson as well as your classroom Teacher and on occasion from other PTA Board members.
Hospitality Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Hospitality Chairperson with all PRE hosted events by creating an inviting and warm atmosphere. Volunteers will also be called upon to bake and cook sometimes too! Volunteers will also need to assist on PTA nights when we provide dinners. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Hospitality Committee and all communications for this committee will come to you from the Hospitality Chairperson.
Housewise / Streetwise Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the HW/SW Chairperson with this safety and crime prevention program presented to 3rd graders. Usually the commitment involves one hour during the afternoon for the week of the event. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Housewise/Streetwise Committee and all communications for this committee will come to you from the HW/SW Chairperson.
Media Center Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to help organize and shelve books and to assist the Media Specialist. This is very flexible and you can choose which day of the week and time you’d like to come in.
Original Works Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Original Works Chair with collecting orders and payments and then delivering the items once they come in. This is an Art based fundraiser where students will create a picture in art class and then parents can order that piece on various items, such as mugs, nightlights, notepads, t-shirts, etc. Your Volunteer time is very flexible. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Original Works Committee and all communications for this fundraiser will come to you from the Original Works Chairperson.
Outdoor Beautification Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Outdoor Beautifications Chairperson with outdoor projects as needed. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Outdoor Beautifications Committee, which will meet periodically throughout the school year. All communications for this committee will come to you from the Outdoor Beautifications Chairperson.
Photographer Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to snap pictures at various classroom and school-wide events as well as Field trips. The pictures may also be used for the yearbook, website news, outside media announcements, and calendars. All communications for this position will come to you from the Communications Chairperson.
Red Ribbon Week Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Red Ribbon Chairperson in promoting this National sponsored drug awareness program throughout our school one week in October. Volunteers are needed to help plan activities for the students throughout the week and to help decorate the school and grounds in support of this program. Volunteers will be asked to meet prior to Red Ribbon Week to find out details. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Red Ribbon Committee. All communications for this committee will come to you from the Red Ribbon Chair.
Reflections Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to assist the Reflections Chair in promoting this National PTA sponsored arts program, gather entries, catalog artwork, recruit judges and help with the awards ceremony. This program runs August – October. Awards ceremony date to be announced. All Volunteers will need to attend a short training session. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Reflections Committee. All communications for this committee will come to you from the Reflections Chairperson.
School Store Volunteer: Volunteers will need to commit to a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule to work in the school store between 7:10am to 7:40am. The schedule will be set-up between the Volunteer and the School Store Chairperson. Duties include: to open the school store on time, to promote the sale of school merchandise, to count the cash register each time you finish your shift and to lock the cash register and the store doors before leaving. This is an ongoing Volunteer position, but it’s very flexible. You can work the days that work out best for you! As a Volunteer you will be a part of the School Store Committee and all communications for this committee will come to you from the School Store Chairperson.
STEAM Day Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to work with the STEAM Day Co-Chairs as well as with their assigned classrooms prior to STEAM Day which will be held in March. Volunteers are required to assist the teachers with their activities as well as recruit classroom volunteers for this day. Each classroom will prepare a different project/experience. Shopping for supplies and creating displays and decorating will be part of the Volunteer’s job prior to the February event. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the STEAM Day Committee and all communications for this committee will come to you from the STEAM Day Chairperson as well as the Homeroom Parent Coordinator.
Sponsorship Volunteer: Volunteers for this position will work closely with the PTA President and the PTA Communications Chair. The main focus for this position will be to obtain business sponsors who wish to partner with PRE to become one of our All Star Business Partners or who wish to Sponsor our year-end Spring Fling Carnival. This position is ongoing throughout the year. Volunteers will use the All Star Business Partner Guide to assist in obtaining the sponsors. If you are good with knocking on doors and making phone calls this position is for you. It’s very flexible as you are working whenever you have time, usually from your home. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Sponsorship Committee and all communications for this committee will come to you from the PTA President and the PTA Communications Chair.
Spring Fling Volunteer: Volunteers are needed to work with the Spring Fling Chairperson to promote this fundraiser as well as in the following areas: Event set-up and clean-up, Games, Food booths, silent auction, advertising, acquiring sponsors, obtaining donations, selling tickets. This is our biggest fundraiser. The event takes place the first Friday in May, but your volunteer time will begin in November to prepare for this big event. As a Volunteer you will be a part of the Spring Fling Committee and all communications for this fundraiser will come to you from the Spring Fling Chair.