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50th Anniversary Spotlight | Rebekah Hill

It's time to reminisce about Pelham Road Elementary history! Rebekah Hill, PRES alum and current third grade teacher shares her memories--

What years did you attend PRES as a student?

I attended PRES from 1998-2004.


What are your most vivid memories from your time as a student at PRES?

Some of my most vivid memories from being a student at Pelham Road are The Community Fair, the big playgrounds, the Barrier Island field trip in 5th grade, singing in the All Star Chorus and being in Mrs. Stokes's math class in 5th grade! 

Can you describe an aspect of school life that is different now than it was when you were a student?

When I was a student at Pelham Road, we didn't have as much technology as we have today. Today, we have a cool news show, lots of online projects, and cool pictures displayed digitally throughout the school. 

What are the most important values or traditions that have remained consistent throughout the school's history?

Important values that have remained consistent throughout the school's history are the family environment and the feeling of being at home. No matter when I have returned to the school or for what reason, I have felt like I was coming back home. When I came to interview to teach at Pelham Road I heard the saying "Once an All Star, Always an All Star." There is not a saying that could be more true. One of my favorite traditions that has remained consistent is the school carnival. What is now Spring Fling, was called The Community Fair when I was in elementary school. No matter the name, it has always been such a fun event that brings together the faculty, students, families, and the community.

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